.com.sv Domain Information
General information for .com.sv domain
.com.sv is a country-specific Internet Domain (ccTLD) from El Salvador.
El Salvador is a country in Central America, bordering the Pacific Ocean between Guatemala and Honduras, with a population of approximately 6 million people. El Salvador is the most densely populated nation in the Americas and is undergoing both rapid industrialization and population growth.
Within .com.sv the term .com is the abbreviation for "commercial". Thus this domain is especially fitting for tradesmen and other commercial entities related to El Salvador.
Rules and regulations for .com.sv domain
A local company office or local residence is prerequisite for domain registration.
Proxy service
If you cannot meet the domain's special criteria yourself, proxy service can be arranged optionally.
Supported characters for .com.sv domain
No IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) support available for .com.sv domains.
Only ASCII characters are supported.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -
Price details for .com.sv Domainservice
Domainservice for .com.sv domain with new registration * | |||||
Set up | Monthly fee | Period | |||
0.00 EUR | 8.40 EUR | 24 months |
Domainservice for .com.sv domain with transfer * | |||||
Set up | Monthly fee | Period | |||
0.00 EUR | 8.40 EUR | 24 months |
Domainservice for .com.sv domain after initial period * | |||||
Set up | Monthly fee | Period | |||
0.00 EUR | 8.40 EUR | 24 months |
Module base price per month incl. 0% VAT for United States for yearly payment in advance,
if applicable plus one-time setup fee as well as fees for domainservice and extensions of your choice.
Modules may be not available separately or not without other modules.
Prices may vary depending on residence of client and local VAT rates (directives 2006/112/EG and 2008/8/EG).
Final price of your desired configuration incl. residence-depending VAT will be displayed at completion of package configuration incl. all price components.
Prerequisite for use is a common personal computer including internet access, up-to-date web browser and state-of-the art security software (not included in price).
We reserve the right to update technical specifications in terms of product development and system security updates without further notice.
For detailed contract terms please see underlying terms and conditions.